
13 Oct 2009

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel has exceptional cleansing, soothing, and healing properties. Native Americans passed on their knowledge of it's leaves and bark to the early American settlers. The settlers then, by distillation, produced the well known colourless liquid we know today.

Over many years it has been known to be a good poultice for painful swellings, sprains and varicose veins. Stops internal and external bleeding and therefore is an excellent treatment for piles and stopping bleeding in a deep cut. A strong tea is made to treat dysentery, colds and coughs. It is also used to reduce the pain and swelling of insect and mosquito bites and soothe a poison ivy rash.

Not only does it have medicinal properties but is also well known as an inexpensive beauty aid. Witch hazel extract is an excellent astringent for oily or problem skin as it shrinks facial pores, reduces oil and dries out spots. Studies are also being done into it's anti-aging and anti-wrinkling properties that were reported over a century ago.


Witch Hazel Hand Cream
By Angela Cisco at Associated Content
(Visit site for more amazingly easy recipes)

2 tsps brewer's yeast
5 tsps witch hazel
¼ tsp tincture of benzoin (found at any drugstore)

Mix all ingredients to make a smooth paste. Refrigerate for 20 minutes and smear over the hands. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. The witch hazel and the tincture of benzoin both help to repair skin that is dry and / or irritated.

Geranium and Cypress Deodorant
From Free Makeup Tips
(visit site for more deodorant recipes)

This is a classic combination of essential oils with deodorant properties. Geranium is used in skin-care products for its delightful, sweet floral perfume and its astringent and antiseptic properties. Cypress helps reduce excessive sweating, and its fine, woody smell enhances this deodorant. The classic fragrance is deeply refreshing with hints of floral, citrus, and wood, and is suitable for both women and men. Ingredients that use in this deodorant.

1 tsp high proof vodka
10 drops geranium
10 drops cypress
8 drops bergamot
5 drops neroli
4 drops lavender
3 drops black pepper
4 tbsps (40 ml) witch hazel
2 tbsps (25 ml) cornflower water
2 tbsps (25 ml) orange flower water

Measure the vodka into a 4 oz (100 ml) glass bottle with a spray attachment. Carefully add the essential oils, one by one. Shake vigorously to dissolve the essential oils. Pour the witch hazel into the bottle, using a funnel if necessary, followed by the two flower waters. Shake well. Label the bottle and the deodorant is now ready to use . Before you use the deodorant each time, give the bottle a good shake to ensure the essential oils are fully dispersed.

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1 comment:

Greenearth said...

Another great post.

Thank you so much for returning the links.

Off to water my vegies now. Has been a hot dusty day here.