It is an excellent carminative and has antioxidant, immune building and anti-inflammatory properties. Always choose fresh ginger over dried ginger whenever possible as it has far stronger healing powers.
Ginger is well known for alleviating gastrointestinal problems. Whether suffering from heartburn, indigestion, morning sickness, vomiting, nausea after surgery or travel sickness, it reduces all symptoms by chewing on a piece of fresh ginger, taking 5-10 drops of the tincture or drinking ginger tea. Make the tea by adding 1 teaspoon of fresh grated ginger or half a teaspoon of dried ginger to a cup of boiling water. Infuse for 5 minutes and drink.
With colds, bronchitis or 'flu, ginger has been found to relieve the symptoms. You can take 5-10 drops of ginger tincture or drink ginger tea three times a day. It helps by promoting healthy sweating, detoxifying the system and boosting circulation. A foot bath with a few drops of ginger oil or a massage with two drops of ginger oil added to a tablespoon of carrier oil like sweet almond oil with also reduce any aches and pains present at this time.
Studies have proved if ginger is taken regularly, people with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis experience reductions in their pain levels and improvements in their mobility. The reason being the gingerols inhibit the production of nitric oxide and suppresses the inflammatory compounds produced in the body. With only a slice of ginger added to meals daily relief should be felt within a short period of time. Relief can also be given externally by rubbing ginger oil, diluted with a carrier oil, into the painful joint or adding a fresh grated ginger poultice to the joint.
It has been thought that ginger may also inhibit the growth of rectal cancer cells and destroy ovarian cancer cells. Research and studies are currently being done..
Ginger is available fresh, dried, in extracts, tinctures, capsules, and oils.
Precautions: People with high blood pressure should not take excessive ginger and it is recommended not to give it to a child under two years old. If taking medications, especially blood thinners, consult your medical practitioner before using ginger.
For nutritional info and cooking recipe ideas visit my other blog The Vegan Diet.
Ginger Natural Health and Beauty Recipes
Ginger Skin Cream
By Sharon123 at RecipeZAAR
Ginger invigorates, and oil soothes. Try this double dose for dry skin.
2 inches piece fresh ginger
2 tsps light sesame oil
2 tsps apricot kernel oil
2 tsps vitamin E oil
1/2 cup cocoa butter
Preheat your oven on the lowest setting. Finely grate the ginger just enough so that you have about an 1/8 teaspoon of ginger juice. To obtain the juice, squeeze the freshly grated ginger over a small bowl. Place the ingredients, including the ginger in a glass or stainless steel pan and heat just until the cocoa butter is melted and the oils are blended. Pour into a clean, dry container and store in a cool dry place. You can add a few drops of lemon or other essential oil for a nice twist.
Japanese Ginger Cellulite & Circulation Scrub
From CraftBits
2 tsp of Grated ginger
2 tbs of Sea salt
This ancient remedy will have your fatty deposits broken down in no time at all. The circular application also aids to improve circulation. This recipe makes enough for a single application of the upper thigh area. You may need to increase the quantity to suit your needs.
Remedies to deal with pre-mature Greying of Hair
From ShivajiPark Beauty Tips
Rinse hair with saffron, ginger root, marigold or red oak bark.
Technorati Tabs: ginger ginger+health herbs-n-oils
Ginger Skin Cream
By Sharon123 at RecipeZAAR
Ginger invigorates, and oil soothes. Try this double dose for dry skin.
2 inches piece fresh ginger
2 tsps light sesame oil
2 tsps apricot kernel oil
2 tsps vitamin E oil
1/2 cup cocoa butter
Preheat your oven on the lowest setting. Finely grate the ginger just enough so that you have about an 1/8 teaspoon of ginger juice. To obtain the juice, squeeze the freshly grated ginger over a small bowl. Place the ingredients, including the ginger in a glass or stainless steel pan and heat just until the cocoa butter is melted and the oils are blended. Pour into a clean, dry container and store in a cool dry place. You can add a few drops of lemon or other essential oil for a nice twist.
Japanese Ginger Cellulite & Circulation Scrub
From CraftBits
2 tsp of Grated ginger
2 tbs of Sea salt
This ancient remedy will have your fatty deposits broken down in no time at all. The circular application also aids to improve circulation. This recipe makes enough for a single application of the upper thigh area. You may need to increase the quantity to suit your needs.
Remedies to deal with pre-mature Greying of Hair
From ShivajiPark Beauty Tips
Rinse hair with saffron, ginger root, marigold or red oak bark.
Technorati Tabs: ginger ginger+health herbs-n-oils
I've drunk ginger tea for years,and love it. As a matter of fact, I really love any kind of ginger...it is one of the strongest flavours I remember from my childhood.
I did not know it was good for osteoarthritis, maybe that's why I crave it so much!
You offer a great health resource! Have you thought of doing any writing outside your own blog?
For Your Success is a most unconventional "business" blog in that we deal with health as well. We're also a personal fulfillment, personal growth and self help site. You would make a great addition I'm sure.
Should you be open to it, we'd at least like to do a link exchange. I'll look forward to hear back from you.
Some more wonderful suggestions. Particularly interested in ginger and its theraputic roles. Will buy some ginger tea today, best wishes, The Artist
Another great post as always Jackie. I didn't realise ginger inhibited the growth of rectal and ovarian cancer cells. You learn something new every day. I'm particularly interested in the skin cream and cellulite scrub recipes you posted. I'll be giving those a go.
I have a bad cold and was just thinking of making a cup of lemon ginger tea. Amazing synchronicity. I like your blog and am going to link you.
I just knew I'd be able to find what I wanted on your site, Jackie! I love the way you have the index to each herb. I've been using Ginger tea for nausea ever since I started on the Parkinson's meds, but I'd like to try some fresh ginger, too. I don't have high blood pressure now, but I have in the past. What is a reasonably safe size piece of ginger to chew?
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