The oil is the richest plant source of omega_3 fatty acids. Omega_3 is excellent to lower high blood pressure and reduce clotting, which causes heart attacks and strokes. It is also an anti-inflammatory relieving conditions like arthritis, migraines and gout. Children have been shown to have less winter respiratory problems when flax oil is added to their diet.
It also contains more lignans than any other plant source. Lignans have anti-cancer, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial properties.
Flax oil is excellent for healthy skin. When taken internally it has been shown relieve conditions like eczema, dry skin and acne. When skin very dry, massage face with flax oil.
Warmed and massaged into the scalp does wonders for dandruff and also dry hair. After massaging, rinse hair with one part apple cider vinegar to eight parts of water.
It is great for slimmers as it increases the metabolism and burns off unhealthy body fat.
To meet your daily requirement, all that is required is one tablespoon of flax oil either by itself or added to food. Absorption is better if taken with or in your meal. Flax oil easily becomes rancid so only buy what you require for your monthly needs and store it in the fridge.
For info on flax seeds with recipes see my other blog The Vegan Diet.
Dry Hair Treatment
From Scribd
2 cups water
1 vitamin A capsule
1 vitamin E capsule
2 tablespoons refined linseed oil (flax oil)
Simmer the water then add the linseed oil. Break vitamin capsules into the water. Stir very well. Let the mixture cool until slightly warm. Massage into scalp and hair. Let it sit for a few minutes. Rinse well then shampoo.
Hair Gel
From Crafts Online
2 tbsp flax seed
1 cup water
2 to 3 drops of lavender oil
Bring to boil flax seed and water. Remove from heat. Let it sit for 1/2 hour.
Flax Skin Lotion
By Annie B. Bond, author of Better Basics for the Home (Three Rivers Press, 1999).
From Care2
1 cup filtered water
1 tbsp flax seeds
1 tsp vegetable glycerin
1 tbsp aloe vera gel (optional)
Combine water and flax seeds in a small pan, bring to a boil, and simmer until the mixture is thickened. Remove from the heat and strain out as many seeds as you can. Add the glycerin, and blend with a hand mixer. Refrigerate, and discard after a week.
Technotati: Flax+oil cold-pressed+oils beauty+recipes linseed
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I think I will try this. In the past I have used capsules of primrose oil for different reasons with good effect.
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