Today bloggers worldwide are joining together for Bloggers Unite for Human Rights. The rally is an initiative of BlogCatalog and Amnesty International.
Originally I intended to write on Zimbabwe but Garg has done an excellent post that covers the issue, Human Rights Crisis in Zimbabwe , I hope you take a look.
I would like people to also be aware of the plight of migrants who have fled to South Africa due to the violence met against the Opposition to Mugabe's ruling party, 80% unemployment and the world's highest rate of inflation in Zimbabwe. Most came to find work so they could make money to feed their extended families both in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Approximately 3000 per day flee Zimbabwe and it is believed that there are now three million in South Africa. They have not been given refugee status and most are illegals.
In South Africa the poorer classes view them as being criminals and of taking their jobs. Due to desperation, the Zimbabweans often accept slave wages from farmers and industry, which makes the locals even more incensed.
The South African government have not bothered to take note of the rising anger of the locals so when it escalated in Alexandra Township (an overpopulated Black area, a few kilometres North-East of Johannesburg, where there are thousands of unemployed locals) this weekend migrants were thrown out their homes, their possessions stolen or burnt, identity documents taken from those who had them, three killed, three raped and many beaten with iron bars or sjamboks (leather whips) or stabbed. One of those killed was actually a South African, he was shot after he allegedly refused to take part in the attacks on foreigners.
It has been described as an act of xenophobic hatred by many and others as an act of criminals. The Churches and South African Red Cross are now seeing that the Zimbabweans and other migrants from Malawi and Mozambique, also caught up in this violence, are found alternative accommodation, fed and clothed. They originally were housed at the police station for safety reasons.
Until the Zimbabwean problem is sorted out and Mugabe removed, the problems in Zimbabwe and South Africa will continue and sadly the Zimbabweans' Human Rights will be ignored.
Technorati: Human+Rights Zimbabwe Bloggers+Unite
I would like people to also be aware of the plight of migrants who have fled to South Africa due to the violence met against the Opposition to Mugabe's ruling party, 80% unemployment and the world's highest rate of inflation in Zimbabwe. Most came to find work so they could make money to feed their extended families both in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Approximately 3000 per day flee Zimbabwe and it is believed that there are now three million in South Africa. They have not been given refugee status and most are illegals.
In South Africa the poorer classes view them as being criminals and of taking their jobs. Due to desperation, the Zimbabweans often accept slave wages from farmers and industry, which makes the locals even more incensed.
The South African government have not bothered to take note of the rising anger of the locals so when it escalated in Alexandra Township (an overpopulated Black area, a few kilometres North-East of Johannesburg, where there are thousands of unemployed locals) this weekend migrants were thrown out their homes, their possessions stolen or burnt, identity documents taken from those who had them, three killed, three raped and many beaten with iron bars or sjamboks (leather whips) or stabbed. One of those killed was actually a South African, he was shot after he allegedly refused to take part in the attacks on foreigners.
It has been described as an act of xenophobic hatred by many and others as an act of criminals. The Churches and South African Red Cross are now seeing that the Zimbabweans and other migrants from Malawi and Mozambique, also caught up in this violence, are found alternative accommodation, fed and clothed. They originally were housed at the police station for safety reasons.
Until the Zimbabwean problem is sorted out and Mugabe removed, the problems in Zimbabwe and South Africa will continue and sadly the Zimbabweans' Human Rights will be ignored.
Technorati: Human+Rights Zimbabwe Bloggers+Unite
I did not know about this day in the blogosphere. I will check it out. Thanks for informing us and for posting a button about BlogBlast For Peace.
It's going to be a wonderful day. I will see you there!
Thanks for bringing this aspect of the ugly situation in Zimbabwe to our attention.
Dave Donelson, author of Heart of Diamonds
I knew it was bad Jackie but not this bad.
I was so disappointed that I missed this day.
I had even contacted a wondeful singer that has a beautiful song called"Forgive us Darfur".
But, just late yesterday afternoon Bill got my computer fixed. And, he has never had his father's flag flown.
With his homecoming and my leaving on the truck with Walter on tuesday...I simply don't have the time now to collect my data.
Now I have been down yet another week. It is so hard to get back in the groove when you miss any time at all.
Thanks so much for joining the Peace movement. We so desperately need to get out of Iraq and take the 12billion dollars plus a month that is being wasting there and apply it to Humanitarian causes.
That is why so many in this country are fighting so hard for Obama.
But, there are still so many with obvious prejudices that it has definitely been an uphill climb.
But, with each new day yet another Super Delegate endorses him. And, it looks as if we might be successful.
Please pray that we are able to bring about this change in our country.
So that america can once again start reaching out a hand of peace instead of the ignorant hand of war and destruction.
Blessings my friend,
Sadly it has deterioted further with it spreading countrywide and including all Black foreigners and many more killed and raped plus thousands now displaced. Army now involved but was it too little too late is the question.
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